Apply OS: Windows, macOS, Linux

Apply Navicat Product: Navicat Data Modeler

Apply Navicat Version No.: Version 3 or above

It is available only when Navicat (e.g Navicat Premium) is installed in the current machine. To import Navicat connection settings:


Version 4 or above:

  1. In the workspace window, choose Tools -> Manage Connections.
  2. Click New.
  3. Select Import Connections from Navicat.
  4. Select the connections and click OK.


Version 3:

Windows & Linux

  1. Select Tools -> Import from Database or Synchronize to Database from the menu bar.
  2. Click Manage Connection.
  3. In the Manage Connection window, choose Manage Connection -> Import Connections from Navicat.
  4. Select the connections and click OK.


  1. Select File -> Import from Database or Synchronize to Database from the menu bar.
  2. Click Manage Connection.
  3. In the Manage Connection window, click the ImportConnectionIcon.png icon.
  4. Select the connections and click OK.


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