Can I search for a value in the table or collection without using a query?
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Apply OS: Windows, macOS, Linux
Apply Navicat Product: Navicat for MySQL, Navicat for PostgreSQL, Navicat for Oracle, Navicat for SQL Server, Navicat for MariaDB, Navicat for SQLite, Navicat for MongoDB, Navicat Premium
Windows and Linux
In Data Viewer, click Edit > Find, or simply use the shortcut key Ctrl+F. After you have entered a value, press F3 to display the next matched entry. The two options: Highlight All and Incremental Search are also available for searching.
In Data Viewer, click Edit > Find > Find, or simply use the shortcut key Command-F. After you have entered a value, click ">" to display the next matched entry and "<" to display the previous matched entry. The three options: Highlight Matched Cells, Match Case and Incremental Search are also available for searching.
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