Apply OS: Windows

Apply Navicat Product: Navicat for MySQL, Navicat Premium


Navicat (Windows) can successfully connect to Hostway's MySQL database by using SSH Tunnel feature. We have done testing with Hostway's hosting account. It can work successfully.

With SSH tunnel feature, Navicat can connect with most hosting companies' MySQL databases unless their servers won't support remote SSH connection. Hostway's server supports SSH connection. It's not necessary to configure MySQL privileges system.

In Hostway's Site Control panel, after you added your MySQL database, the database host address should be similar as "". For our example, it is "" which assigned by Hostway.

In the Connection window of Navicat, fill in the followings:

General Settings

Connection Name: hostway
Port: 3306
User name: my_database_username
Password: my_password

SSH Settings

Port: 22
User name: My_ssh_username
Password: My_password

If you use a SSH client program to login, you can use the command mysql -h -u username -p to access your MySQL database by command line. If you use Navicat to connect, you can fill in the same information in Connection window of Navicat.

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