Apply OS: Windows, macOS, Linux

Apply Navicat Product: Navicat Data Modeler

Apply Navicat Version No.: Version 3 or above


Please use the Model Conversion feature to convert the model from one type to another type.

Version 4 or above

  1. In the Workspace tab, right-click a model and select Model Conversion Wizard.
  2. Select the target workspace.
  3. Enter the model name.
  4. Choose the model type.
  5. Choose the target database and version if necessary.
  6. If you want to convert all related diagrams, enable Convert with related Diagram.
  7. Click Convert.

Version 3

  1. In the menu, choose File -> Model Conversion / Convert Model To.
  2. Choose Physical as Model Type.
  3. Select the target Database and Version.
  4. Click OK.

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