Apply OS: Windows, macOS, Linux

Apply Navicat Product: All


Navicat records all your executed statements, message log in number of files. However, some of them will renew when Navicat starts.



  • history.log - Executed statements.
  • cmdline.log - Automation and Command Line message log.
  • LogImport.txt - Import message log.

They are stored in the Logs Location. To look for the path, choose Tools > Options > File Locations.



  • QueryExec.log - Executed statements.
  • cmdline.log - Automation and Command Line message log.
  • LogImport.txt - Import message log.

They are stored in the default folder, e.g. ~/Library/Application Support/PremiumSoft CyberTech/Navicat CC/Navicat Premium/Logs.



  • QueryExec.log - Executed statements.
  • CmdLine.log - Automation and Command Line message log.
  • LogImport.txt - Import message log.

They are stored in the default folder, e.g. /home/your_username/.config/navicat/Premium/Logs.

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