Apply OS: Windows, macOS, Linux

Apply Navicat Product: All



The font size of Navicat interface uses the Windows system settings. Please go to Control Panel to set the text size.

For the font size of editor and table grid, you can change them in Options:

  1. In Navicat main menu, choose Tools > Options.
  2. Select Editor or Records.
  3. Choose your preferable style or size for editor or data grid.



  1. In Navicat main menu, choose Navicat xxx > Settings.
  2. Select GeneralEditor or Records.
  3. Choose your preferable style or size for object list, editor or data grid.



  1. In Navicat main menu, choose Tools > Options.
  2. Select General, Editor or Records.
  3. Choose your preferable style or size for GUI, editor or data grid.

After changing the GUI Font, please remind that Navicat must be restarted before any effects occur.


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